Engage in Community
Because we believe groups are essential to getting plugged into life-giving relationships, our Life Groups are committed to mutual ministry and living out the “one-anothers” of Scripture (see below) as we spur each other on toward Christ and His Kingdom. Life Groups are a place to grow deeper with Jesus and your Church family, no matter your age or season of life. In Life Groups, we connect people, build community, apply God's truth, and cultivate care.
Want to engage in community at Harvest? Browse through our groups below, and contact the leaders directly to get more information. If you desire to be a part of a group, fill out the form below, and we will be in touch soon!
At Harvest, there are two seasons of Life Groups each year.
Fall — September - December
Spring — January - May
During the summer, groups may change their regular meeting rhythms. To get on the notification list for Fall Life Groups, please fill out the form below. We will reach out to you in early August to get you connected! Feel free to reach out to Pastor Gary (gvaughan@harvestindy.org) with any additional questions.
Our Life Group ModeL
We have both life-stage specific Life Groups and multigenerational groups. These groups are led by Life Group leaders or co-leaders and overseen by a coach, elder, or our Campus Pastor, Gary Vaughan. Each elder has a “flock” of Life Groups and coaches that are committed to pray for and care practically in a time of need. Coaches are in direct contact with each set of Life Group leaders in their flock. They are accessible to resolve questions or build care plans.
At Harvest, there are two seasons of Life Groups each year.
Fall — September - December
Spring — January - May
During the summer, groups change their rhythms but maintain relationships through organic hangouts. During Life Group season, most of our groups meet three of the four weeks in a month. Meeting three times a month allows each group to continue gaining momentum in relationship and diving intentionally into the Word.
Our Life Group Values
Social Covenant by Dr. Garrett Higbee, Pastor of Soul Care, Transformed Level 1.
Love One Another (John 13:34)
Welcome One Another (Romans 15:7)
Bear One Another’s Burdens (Galatians 6:1-2)
Encourage One Another (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
Instruct One Another (Romans 15:14)
Confess to One Another (James 5:16)
Forgive One Another (Colossians 3:12-13)
Pray for One Another (James 5:16)
Comfort One Another (2 Corinthians 13:11)
Stir Up One Another (Hebrews 10:24)