“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I’ve commanded you.”

God has been incredibly kind and faithful to Harvest Church. In this season of growth, we are striving to steward well all that he has provided.
By the numbers, we have seen…
Growth in Sunday Service Attendance (including in-person and online)
Growth in Harvest Kids
Growth in Harvest Students
Growth in Life Group Participation
Growth in Adult Discipleship Groups
We are launching a two-year stewardship initiative that will move our church family forward in faith to all that God allows. This campaign will allow us to…
Multiply Disciples
Construct an additional 34,000 square feet of ministry space.
Add new 1,100 seat worship center, doubling our current capacity.
Add a new lobby to ease movement and allow for more ministry opportunities during the week.
Add outdoor space to improve opportunities for fellowship and ministry each weekend and throughout the week.
Move our Early Childhood areas closer to the new worship center.
Dedicate the current worship center space to Harvest Kids and Students.
Complete additional space for our ministry staff.
Multiply Churches
In addition to our Carmel location, we will begin planting congregations of Harvest Church in key communities on the north side of the city starting with Westfield in 2024.
Plant autonomous, disciple-making churches in Central Indiana and around the world.
Fully launch the Harvest Ministry Residency with focused training in pastoral ministry, church planting, international missions, and worship leadership.
100% engagement by everyone who calls Harvest home.
raise $13,000,000 over the next two years.
Breaking Down the Numbers
$6M to Multiply campaigN
$3.25M Budget Year 1
$3.25M Budget Year 2
$300K Westfield Campus
$200K Ministry residency Center

Giving Ladder
Pray for how God would have you step out in faith and what you would give above and beyond your normal tithe. Consider where your giving is based on this Giving Ladder and then prayerfully consider next steps.
Expand the descriptions below to learn more about each type of giver.
Legacy givers are thinking past this year and moving toward long-term impact for their local church, their family, and eternity. They make decisions in the short-term that have longer-term effects on their giving capacity. Legacy givers consider the impact that every personal asset has on their ability to be generous. This person is no longer asking the question, “God, how much are you asking me to give?” Instead, this person is asking, “God, how much are you asking me to keep?”
Someone who is no longer thinking, “What am I supposed to give?” but rather “What am I not giving and why?” This person is less concerned about the 10 or 15 percent and more concerned about the 90 or 85 percent. Sacrificial givers decide to make changes that cost them something in their lifestyle.
Intentional givers think about their giving in relation to other things they spend their money on. They consider a percentage or amount they want to consciously grow in their giving. Intentional givers look at their budget and consider how their giving reflects their view of God and commitment to build His Kingdom.
Someone who is a regular giver, giving many times through recurring payments. Consistent givers start to think of their giving in the same way they would about other expenses in their budget that are paid regardless of seasons of feast or famine. To provide more clarity, we’ve classified this as someone who makes six or more gifts per year.
Someone who has not yet given to Harvest Church. This is the first step toward inviting God to be a part of your finances and becoming someone who invests where they will have eternal impact for God’s glory.
Multiply Campaign Sermon Series
Wk 1: Multiplied Vision
Wk 2: Multiply Disciples
Wk 3: Multiply Churches
Wk 4: Multiply Generosity
Wk 5: Multiply Gratitude
Wk 6: Multiply Joy
Life Group Devotional